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Ivan Newmark


est. 1990

Photo: Miriam Joanna



Photo: Miriam Joanna

Cape Town is seen as the Indonesia of Windsurfing. No other place has such a variety of world class windsurfing spots in one location. The local conditions are extreme and tests equipment to the limit. This allows us to create the ultimate high performance custom windsurf boards which enables you to push all the limits. Our custom boards will thrive and survive in any conditions.


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The idea started with a young enthusiastic dedicated local sailor that broke every board he ever had and needed a way to stay on the water no matter what.

Growing up on the West Coast of South Africa, just outside Cape Town, Ivan found himself in the centre of one of the largest and extreme windsurfing training grounds in the world. Every year hundreds of pro sailors from all over globe come here to enjoy the conditions, sharpen their skills and test equipment.


During the time that Ivan was completing his engineering degree at University of Cape Town, he was looking for a board that could withstand the extreme conditions he sailed in day after day.  He was lucky to meet the legendary owner of Cape Doctor Board Repair/Manufacturing, Angus “Goose” Welsh, who offered Ivan the opportunity to sweep floors and help out at his factory during his  holidays in exchange to build his own custom windsurf board, which he sailed successfully for more than two years without any damages.  This was the start of his biggest passion in life, developing and making the best shapes and strongest windsurf wave boards.

Wave sailing at a high level and hanging out with the world’s best sailors and influencers in the industry, Ivan has just been soaking up all that knowledge that is right in front of his doorstep.


Now 7 years later Ivan is still in the same factory in partnership with Goose, designing, shaping, testing and manufacturing his own brand of CNC cut windsurf boards, Carve Machine Customs. With already several satisfied new Carve Machine Custom board owners locally and internationally the dream has become a reality.

Photo: Maleen Hoekstra


Our team is  a perfect combination of shaping, manufacturing and wave riding skills.

We don't mass produce and meticulously attend to every individual board we produce.


10 Years Experience

Chief Designer and Shaper

Founder, shaper and Developer of Carve Machine. With over 16 years of windsurfing at local spots in Cape Town, Ivan knows exactly what board works for what conditions.



28 Years Experience

Special Adviser and Shaper

If you have ever broken your windsurfboard in Cape Town Goose man himself has probably done the best repair you have ever had. With over 23 years of experience in the industry of making hand shaped custom boards (windsurf,kite, surf, SUP) he knows all the construction methods you need to make the strongest lightest boards in the world. 



20 Years Experience

Master Glasser

Meet our master laminator, with over 16 years of glassing experience Sammy ensures you get the lightest strongest glassed boards. From laminating windsurfboards surfboards, kiteboards, paddleboards and foilboards he has glassed it all.


Carve Machine Customs (PTY) LTD


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